Our Founders
Our founder, the Apostle Crispin Kamucici grew up in a Christian family. He was baptized at the age of 14 years while in High school. He is married with Pastor Jacqueline Uwezo with whom they founded SAMI and are serving the Lord together. They are blessed with 10 children, 6 daughters and 4 sons.
On 20th December 1998, Apostle Crispin heard Jesus tell him in a vision with an awesome voice: I have chosen you and I have prepared a work for you; I am restoring my power and glory to my people and they shall impact the world. On 22nd, God laid him to the scriptures in Jeremiah 1:10: “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” He started praying much to get clear understanding of what God was telling him and started studying the Bible.
Every time God should bring to him the picture of the early church through the Acts of Apostles. Then God revealed to him that there was lack of Love and Understanding in the Church and this hinders the glory of God to shine. He revealed him that He is going to restore His church at her former glory and power and even more. He received a mandate to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and Raise an Apostolic people for Kingdom lifestyle by teaching the Word of truth.
In August 2002, Apostle Kamucici and his wife started to seek the face of the Lord in prayer in their house for this mission they have got and started to explain to other people about the vision and teach about the great commandment of Love left by the Lord Jesus Christ to His church. (Matthew 22:37-40). God confirmed the calling and mission to the Nations to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations, to teach the message of love and the restoration of apostolic values to people in diverse ways. After one year of intense prayer and study of the Word of God, Shekinah Apostolic Ministries was born. In November 2003, the first church was planted in Kigali, Rwanda.
Apostle Crispin has a Diploma in Biblical Studies and completed another one with Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) and got a Certificate in Bible Studies.
And in June 2013, he acquired Associate Degree of Ministerial Theology from Heavenly Light Christian College (H.L.C.C), Kigali Branch with Head office in USA which he joined in 2010.